Agenda (Singapore Time, GMT+08)

9am — 10am: Registrations & Breakfast

10am — 11am: Panel Discussion – Shipping Outlook in Asia

  • What major impacts has supply chain reconfiguration had on shipping and port industries?
  • What other major events could further accelerate changes in trade flows going forward?
  • How will these changes affect Asia's trade outlook?
  • How should shippers, logistics companies, carriers, ports and other industry stakeholders adapt to the risks and opportunities of these shifts?


Panel Discussion – Shipping Outlook in Asia

Cichen Shen

APAC Editor, Lloyd’s List Intelligence

Han Ning

Principal Consultant and Director, Drewry

Su Yin Anand

Founder, The Captain's Table, Senior Advisor, GCMD & Board Member, Hafnia

Alan Beacham

Managing Director, Toll Group

11am — 12pm: Presentation – Risk and Compliance

  • Insights on dark fleet detection, AIS spoofing, and the evolving compliance landscape


Presentation – Risk and Compliance

Sebastian Villyn

Head of Content Operations, Lloyd’s List Intelligence

12pm – 2pm

2pm – 4pm: Roundtable Discussion (Registrations closed)

Share and discuss how the drive towards decarbonisation is pushing the industry towards more digital methods. Explore the impact of these and how it might be affecting your business in our upcoming roundtable discussions. Join like-minded individuals in discovering innovative strategies to navigate the evolving landscape of maritime technology and sustainability. Topics include:

  • How is digitalisation in shipping changing my operations?
  • How is decarbonisation impacting my operations?

Apply to Attend

We invite market participants from maritime services, financial institutions, shipping companies, commodity traders, technology providers, regulatory bodies, and government sectors to join us at our Singapore forum!

As the currents of global trade undergo a transformative shift, we invite you to partake in an insightful panel discussion. Explore how shipping players can find certainty amid an increasingly uncertain future, spot opportunities in risks, and mitigate risks in opportunities.

Following the dialogue, delve into an exclusive presentation focused on risk and compliance. Discover insights into the ‘dark fleet’, how to detect AIS spoofing, and how the compliance landscape is changing due to the increase in geopolitical pressures.

But that’s not all – seize the opportunity to participate in an intimate roundtable discussion where you can share and discuss how the drive towards decarbonisation is pushing the industry towards more digital methods, and explore the impact it has on your business.

We have limited capacity for this in person event, in Singapore. Please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch to confirm your attendance.

Registration has ended for the event.